I made this beautiful crab from the designer K.Godinez. It is a beautiful crab with easy to follow instructions. I didn't want to stick buttons so my shell looks different. I got many compliments for it. I was told it is the best so far but everyone I made was beautiful in my eyes. I like them all so much. It is so rewarding to make amigurumi toys.
Wednesday, 31 December 2014
Sunday, 28 December 2014
Which era would you like
Which era would you have liked to live in? I personally like the clothes of gone with the wind. I believe they used them for going out to the ball, theater, visiting relatives and friends. For sure they couldn't eat much because of the corset. In summer they wore different clothing or will they? It would be so hard to go on trains,buses, cars and taxi in those large gowns. They had to use so much material to make a dress. They were very good seamstress to come up with all this styles. There are two photos one from gone with the wind the other one from these days. They still make them, these days for special occasions and brides. I like them very much, we might call them princess dresses.
Today's times, I think the Indian women dress up very stylish. I like the combination of colors they wear. The sari and the way they throw the scarf around their neck. I was told that the skirt is holding up with safety pins. Would' t it be embarrassing if it came undone. The lady told me occasionally it did happen. I think, what I truly like is for women to look nice in dresses. I am always in jeans because I find it comfortable.
Today's times, I think the Indian women dress up very stylish. I like the combination of colors they wear. The sari and the way they throw the scarf around their neck. I was told that the skirt is holding up with safety pins. Would' t it be embarrassing if it came undone. The lady told me occasionally it did happen. I think, what I truly like is for women to look nice in dresses. I am always in jeans because I find it comfortable.
Friday, 26 December 2014
Two cute rabbits
I've made these rabbits from this pattern. It is easy to follow and they are very cute. I like making new toys but I made two of these rabbits. I gave one away already for Christmas.

gift pattern,
safety eyes,
soft toy,
Thursday, 11 December 2014
restoration rocking chair
I saw this rocking chair outside a front garden of a house, and I had a big idea to restore it. Recycle it I thought. So I knocked on the door. A young guy opened the door, I asked him can I please have the chair that you have on your front garden. He said sure and helped me load it in my car. I thanked him and went home. I thought I wouldn't do a good job dismantle it so I asked my man to do it. I bought material and new sponges cut to size. We gave the chair a good paint. We put it all together and here it is. My eldest daughter loved it and she took it home in one of her bedrooms.
old fashion,
Thursday, 4 December 2014
My yorkie
I made this from a pattern, that if you had no experience in patterns before, it will be hard to be able to read it. But there is another nice lady who wrote the pattern. If you want to have a go here it is. I will have to make another one, one day. Here is mine. Still have to trim the wool properly. I like to make realistic stuff but sometimes I try something that looks challenging.
Wednesday, 3 December 2014
My lovely puppies
Hi everyone! who is interested in making one of these puppies. I made this from a lovely lady who shared it for free. It is not hard to make. Give it a try and you'll see how easy it is. I enjoyed making these dogs, and the combinations of colors is great. They are so cute that it is very hard to part from them. I included eyelids on the pink and blue puppies.I also put paws on the brown dog to see how it will look. See for yourself.
Tuesday, 2 December 2014
large doll
I made this from Bbs amigurumi easy to follow pattern. It is a free pattern. I want to try more of her patterns.
It was fairly easy to do I added nose, ears and eyebrows. I used two yarns because I wanted it to be big. There is nothing to sew but I did. I sewed the hands. I hope one of my girls will have a girl to give it to her. I bought girl clothes for the doll which she will want if she has a girl. lolMaya the bee
I am happy to say I made Maya the bee with no pattern. You don't know how the finished product will look like till it is finished. I am pleased how it turned out. Maya is a cute bee. I used pipe cleaners in the antenna.
Adorable dog

First time that I travelled
I will let you know the first time I traveled. I was working in a small hotel. The only workers there were my sisters because I come from a very big family. Four sisters worked there. The hotel wasn't luxurious .It looked like a double story house with large rooms. It had seven rooms and a dinning room. A few of the rooms had two or three beds in them. One room had one. We used to get to know the people who came on holidays there and we cried at times, when they left. We had a couple from Germany, they came for their honeymoon and were photographers. They asked us if they could take photo of us sisters. We changed into nice outfits and went on the roof. Ok you Americans,English and Australians the roof was flat and we used to hang the sheets table clothes, there to dry. An Italian couple came in our hotel with two boys. Their ages were three and four years. They asked us how much we earn. Those days our pay was 2 pounds to four pounds. he said he will double that, and asked if I wanted to work for them. I was happy so I asked my mother if I could go, she didn't say anything. So I started my passport, taking photos, visa and all necessary things. But because I was under eighteen I had to have an identity card instead. I wasn't sure that I will end up going. I was just seventeen, a young and small looking teenager. I bought a luggage and she took me to the airport. Everything looked excited for me a big adventure, not going to work any more at the hotel. I kissed my mother good bye and off I went boarding the plane. The flight was about an hour and twenty minutes. I wasn't scared but somehow, before the plane landed I started to worry, that the Italian couple would not be there to welcome me. So I heard back home that the air hostesses take good care of you. So I asked one of them that I was scared they won't be there. The air hostess told she would wait till I saw them. When I came off the plane in the airport sure enough they were there. What a relief for a scared little girl of seventeen who only knew a small town. I stayed a year and three months, learnt the language was a good experience. I couldn't manage to do all the chores, taking care of two boys, cleaning, cooking, washing the clothes. I didn't have and days off. But I didn't know any better. Those of you,who read my blog could you please leave a comment. As you can tell I'm not a writer so sorry.
My childhood
Today I will tell you about my childhood. when I was nine years old my mother asked me if I wanted to go to the nuns convent. Since it was kind of fashion back then I said yes. I never regretted it, it was the best years of my life. So, one Saturday, my younger sister Nadine,(different name) she was seven and I went there. We were little, so when they made our beds, they put them together as they thought we would fall down. They also put plastic so we won't wet the beds. I told then nun, we don't pee in bed and she told me, here, you don't say that, you say toilet. That was the first day, I still remember it so clearly. I am very proud to say, there, at the nuns, I learnt many things, I wouldn't have learnt at home. I knew how to knit and purl at home. We were allocated jobs, from four years old to seventeen years old. The four year old, her job was to sweep the stairs. Mine was different every week, sometimes it was washing the breakfast cups and saucers and someone else will wipe and put away. Sometimes was to wash the dishes at dinner time with someone else. I used to wash the nuns' plates not so much the rest of the other chores. The nun in the kitchen used to want me there to help her making biscuits and whatever sweets she did. But as a young girl, she would send me in the pantry, which was in another room to get her stuff. Like those tiny silver balls that you add to cookies. I wouldn't know what she was talking about, so I stay there till she comes and get me. Sometimes, she would explain better, where the things are and I got her the right thing. I would feel so relieved. The nuns were very good to us and we never were treated badly. In Christmas time, it felt like Christmas. Easter felt like Easter. We did dramas, we went picnics, we had a house near the beach and we went swimming. There was order, discipline, play time,work time,embroidery time, fun games. Today I wish to thank all those nuns in my life, I wish to see them and I love them all so much. I wish God will reward them for me. I'm living in Australia now and when I went for back holidays twenty three years ago, I went to visit the place, where I stayed for five years, till I was about fourteen. The place looked smaller now but i was so happy being there remember my childhood. There was only one nun left that I knew. The place is not for children any more. It is a home for older priests. I will stop here today.
large dolphin
I made this dolphin from Amidorable Crochet.
I had fun making this dolphin. It is made it with two yarns so it comes bigger. I made two tail so it is not floppy. It is easy to make once you know how to read the amigurumi patterns. I also put a rattle in it. It is 46 centimeters long. I am very happy how it turned out that I made another one with one thread.
In this photo is the picture of the smaller dolphin. I made that light blue.
It doesn't look like much of a difference but there is,the small one measures 36 centimeters. There is 10 centimeters difference.
In this photo is the picture of the smaller dolphin. I made that light blue.
Saturday, 29 November 2014
Crochet Blanket
I made this blanket last year, for one of my daughters because she wanted one. It took me about four months to finish. I used to work on it while watching TV. She picked the colours herself. I think she did a wonderful job in choosing to yarn colours. It was my biggest project so far. It wasn't difficult to make and I'm happy with the results.
Thursday, 27 November 2014
My dog
I made this painting about two or three years ago. I never learnt how to paint, though I picked art at school. I never forget, it was a male teacher. It was his first year teaching in a girls school. All he wanted to do was, fool around with the girls. I hate him for it because I was seriously about learning how to draw and paint. Maybe no one can teach you that. It was done free hand no tricks of tracing before hand. I am proud of it at least it resembles a dog. She is so cute.
Traditions is what I'm talking about today. A girl had nice henna tattooed on her hand. I asked her why she had it on and she said she had done it for a celebration that her friend had. We didn't have time to talk more. Another tradition that I met was a boy with long her. I asked him if he could cut it when he is bored with it, he said yes when ever he wants to he can. As far as I know I can't remember any traditions but there was one when I was young I will tell you what I know about it. I remember a couple of women still wearing them. It was hard in church if you were behind them you couldn't see a thing.
The għonnella is pronounced "awe-nel-la" , sometimes referred to as Faldetta, was a form of women's head dress and shawl, or hooded cloak, unique to the Mediterranean islands of Malta and Gozo. It was generally made of cotton or silk, and usually black or some other dark colour, although from the sixteenth century onwards, noble women and women from wealthier households frequently wore white or brightly coloured għenienel plural for one. The għonnella covered the head, but did not cover the face. The upper part of the għonnella was starched quite stiffly, and given a broad, rounded frame, formed by means of a board, cane, or whalebone. This gave the għonnella a mysterious but alluring, sail-like appearance. From a practical perspective, this broad bonnet captured much needed cooling breezes during the hot Maltese summer. On cooler days, the wearer could wrap the għonnella around her face more tightly, by making a slight adjustment. The lower part of the għonnella could be worn loosely draped around the wearer's bodice and hips, or more tightly wrapped in the case of inclement weather. It would typically fall to mid-calf length. While walking, the wearer would hold one or both sides of the għonnella clasped in her right hand.
The għonnella is pronounced "awe-nel-la" , sometimes referred to as Faldetta, was a form of women's head dress and shawl, or hooded cloak, unique to the Mediterranean islands of Malta and Gozo. It was generally made of cotton or silk, and usually black or some other dark colour, although from the sixteenth century onwards, noble women and women from wealthier households frequently wore white or brightly coloured għenienel plural for one. The għonnella covered the head, but did not cover the face. The upper part of the għonnella was starched quite stiffly, and given a broad, rounded frame, formed by means of a board, cane, or whalebone. This gave the għonnella a mysterious but alluring, sail-like appearance. From a practical perspective, this broad bonnet captured much needed cooling breezes during the hot Maltese summer. On cooler days, the wearer could wrap the għonnella around her face more tightly, by making a slight adjustment. The lower part of the għonnella could be worn loosely draped around the wearer's bodice and hips, or more tightly wrapped in the case of inclement weather. It would typically fall to mid-calf length. While walking, the wearer would hold one or both sides of the għonnella clasped in her right hand.
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
Two girls
The other day, two girls went to the shop close by. These two girls often go to the shop. let's call the girls one Mary and the other one Bridget. As they were walking back towards me, I saw Mary had some hidden stuff under her jacket. What went through my head was, did she steal them? why was she hiding them? What would you have done in my position? I felt a duty towards Mary to teach her right from wrong, I would have liked to stop this habit at an earlier age if so. But I was thinking, what if her mum yells at me and tell me to mind my own business. So I said and did nothing. I saw that Bridget wasn't happy to go with her the next day, so later on when I saw her alone, I asked her why did she hid the stuff she bought? there was no response. Just letting you know what you would have done in my position?
Monday, 24 November 2014
Hi there,
How are you all, who is reading this? I will tell you what I witness yesterday, it was raining, so it was expected, I guess, what I'm about to tell you. I heard a car breaking really hard and I looked to see a car stopping hard because she couldn't make the lights, and she reversed her car a little. Another car holden almost new, stopped behind this wagon car. At this point the green light came and I was looking the other way when I heard a hard smash of a car, so I looked in that direction to see it was the same lady who forgot to change her reverse gear to go forward, poor lady it wasn't her day. The other couple got out to check the damage in their car. I didn't see any damage, but she had, she dented her car so they exchanged the numbers and whatever necessary. I felt sorry for the lady, now she has to go home and tell her husband and I thought what if he was an angry man. It was her fault even though they say whoever hit you from the back is at fault. i thought I share that with you guys. I hope I didn't bore you too much.
I am challenging myself in making a koala. I am writing the pattern as I go. I hope it turn out at least ok. Anyone is doing a new thing? I will post a picture of it once I finish it. I finished the koala and I didn't write all the pattern. I was unpicking and it was challenging the way I imagine it to be anyway here is the picture of my koala.
How are you all, who is reading this? I will tell you what I witness yesterday, it was raining, so it was expected, I guess, what I'm about to tell you. I heard a car breaking really hard and I looked to see a car stopping hard because she couldn't make the lights, and she reversed her car a little. Another car holden almost new, stopped behind this wagon car. At this point the green light came and I was looking the other way when I heard a hard smash of a car, so I looked in that direction to see it was the same lady who forgot to change her reverse gear to go forward, poor lady it wasn't her day. The other couple got out to check the damage in their car. I didn't see any damage, but she had, she dented her car so they exchanged the numbers and whatever necessary. I felt sorry for the lady, now she has to go home and tell her husband and I thought what if he was an angry man. It was her fault even though they say whoever hit you from the back is at fault. i thought I share that with you guys. I hope I didn't bore you too much.
I am challenging myself in making a koala. I am writing the pattern as I go. I hope it turn out at least ok. Anyone is doing a new thing? I will post a picture of it once I finish it. I finished the koala and I didn't write all the pattern. I was unpicking and it was challenging the way I imagine it to be anyway here is the picture of my koala.
Saturday, 22 November 2014
Amigurumi large doll
I made this from Bb amigurumi
I added the nose and ears. Amazingly it didn't take me very long to make it. It is the largest thing that I've done so far.
I added the nose and ears. Amazingly it didn't take me very long to make it. It is the largest thing that I've done so far.
Miniature panda
I made this from Amigurumi to go
I didn't use embroidery thread. I used normal wool, but it is still very cute don't you agree?
Friday, 21 November 2014
Amigurumi monkey
I made this monkey from Amigurumi To Go tutorial.
I also made it a dress using no pattern, I just made it up as I went.
Amigurumi Dolphin
Using this pattern by Amidorable Crochet Designs I created a beautiful Blue Dolphin. It is 48 centimeters long. It is bluish green, and rattles. It has safety eyes. It was easy to make.
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