Friday 22 April 2016

My little Lion

My little lion looks like a cat why, I need to find out why. My youngest daughter wanted a lion to give out as a present so that is why I did this lion. I did the pattern from Amigurumi to go but changed the muzzle because I thought hers looks like a bear but now mine looks like a cat. I added more mane around the face. This time I used safety eyes and I also used glue, so it is more safer. This took me about six hours to make it is fairly small good for a child to hold. I also put a rattle in it so it makes noise. The mane is the longest to make I did a separate head and I also did some on the actual toy. You guys should give this one a try It is easy straight forward once you know how to follow patterns besides Amigurumi to go might have the video to show you how to make this lion. Here is mine

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