Saturday 2 June 2018

My Original crochet Fedora hat

Finally, I made a crochet  pattern of  a fedora hat. I still need to see if the pattern works as I wrote it all today. I will start selling it on etsy if all goes well if I am allowed to do so. I made a fedora hat on you tube and I didn 't like it as much so I tried to make my own. I am happy with the result and it only needs little improvement and should be fine. I would like to starch it so it keeps the shape but I think it will not be as warm. My wish was to make a pattern of something I always quit half way writing it down but this time I kept going, so glad  I did . I still don' t know yet  how to make different sizes. This suits boys and girls with measurements of 56 centimeters. It will fit my oldest grandson. 

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