Sunday 28 February 2016

My younger years

Maybe you can tell that English is not my main language, sorry, If I don't explain myself well.  At the beginning of my stay, the nuns were young so during Christmas they thought us acting and drills. Once, I had part in all the acts we had and I got sick with fever. I hated it when I got sick that means I had to stay in bed all alone in the dark, upstairs till Marinton, the old lady retires. Her bed was very high I think she had two mattresses, why, I don't know because she seemed to have trouble to get to bed. I got a little better and I acted my parts and they sent me back to bed that was upsetting for me because I felt better. I will tell you about Marinton now. Her job was to answer the door, ring the bell during certain hours for school breaks and ours, the children who lived there. She also took care of the brooms, buckets and rags that we used to dust or wash the floors. We washed the floors on our knees not mops. If she favoured you, she would give you a good rag so we considered ourselves lucky to get goo rags. She ate in our dinning room and slept with us. She also could understand Italian. I am not sure how long she was there for, but she died there, not while I was there. While I was there no one visited her. I was there from nine years till fourteen years. Now I will talk a little about me again. I don't know when I started to help the nun in the kitchen Sister Maurizia, She was an excellent cook she was slightly deaf. So every night, evening what ever you want to call it after dinner, I would go and help wash the dishes because she was stuck in washing the nuns' plates, pots and pans. She also prepared the milk for breakfast. During my washing the other girls were playing guided by another nun of course. When Easter or Christmas is approaching she would call for me at the end of school so I can go and help her make buns and figolli (it is a shaped bun and decorated Maltese tradition). The job I would have done was maybe bring her stuff from the pantry it was in the next room. As a young girl of course I had trouble sometimes to get her what she wanted, She tries to explain to me and give me directions of where they are. I didn't  know about baking stuff. I also was quite so I pretended I understood what she told me. I would take longer in that room and she will come and get it herself. I did that for few years and one day, I was with three other girls in the dining room cleaning, I think we were and the nun that was in charge at the time, told us one of you here is nominated for something. I ignored her completely but it was me as a reward I won a doll and a frame that lit up and also spoke on the radio. I wasn't excited or anything for me it wasn't a big deal but I was nervous when they said I am going to talk on the radio. Some more next time.

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